
Home/2007 photos/India Basin, San Francisco Bay birds and views

a few photos of waterfowl and scenes taken in the India Basin area of San Francisco Testing out a new zoom lens, I took a little walk around India Basin, located on the South side of San Francisco along the bay. It is a region of the city with an industrial past and an uncertain future. The new lens was great - I'm still getting used to the VR system, but I think I'll get the hang of it (it's a little tough composing a fast-moving subject while the image is slopping around the viewfinder as the VR attempts to stabilize the image). The zoom range of this lens (equivalent to about a 600mm lens on a film camera) is great for shooting wildlife from a distance but that too will take some time to build up that skill. Unfortunately, when I came back with these shots I noticed there was an imperfection which called for an exchange in the lens. Luckily the retailer (B&H photo) was more than accommodating and I should get a replacement soon.