Home/2002 photos/Pear Lake ski hut trip
a rough ski out to a beautiful spot I tried to get a reservation at the Pear Lake Ski Hut but was unsuccessful until I got a call from the Sequoia Natural History Association telling me that a slot had opened up for the first weekend in January. We set off for the hut with a few maps and limited directions (once you're over the hill you're at the hut). The ski in ended up being more difficult than we expected but it was well worth it. The accommodations at the hut are great - clean, good facilities, an auto-fed pellet stove, and even a solar powered light. After settling in we had some dinner and then went to sleep. The pellet stove ended up having two settings - cool and lair of Hades. We awoke sweating to the glowing stove casting orange light and shadows across the room.. (luckily I was on the cooler side of the place). The skiing was awesome, with a nice bowl just around from the hut. Even our hut-mates (moe and schemp.. what were their names?) provided some character for the weekend. I can't wait to get back.